Humid (Album Release Show) • Shamewave • Milorganaut • Lila Realm

Thu 11/21/24
$10 ADV // $15 DOS

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Show Lineup


(Milwaukee, WI)
Genre: Indie Rock

HUMID returns with their first full length album titled “One Dimensional Hell”. A sprawling Shoegaze album of alternative dirge and ethereal daze. Coming forth is a collection of songs reflecting on life’s most chaotic moments and desires. Written and recorded in less than a year. HUMID’s latest effort shares a louder and harsher endeavor than before. Utilizing bright distorted guitars and hushed vocals brings the sound of HUMID’s latest album full circle in its natural form.


(Milwaukee, WI)
Genre: Rock, Shoegaze

Shoegaze/Rock band from Milwaukee, WI


(Milwaukee, WI)
Genre: Grindcore, Powerviolence, Punk

Milwaukee Outsider Powerviolence/Grind.

Lila Realm

(Milwaukee, WI)
Genre: Alt-Pop, Electronic
The alter-universe of Milwaukee artist Amanda Huff, Lila Realm is a sonic portal into the eye of the storm. Walls of soft distortion and intimate vocals create the bedding for slicing poetry about delusion, disaster and control. Channeling influences such as Cocteau Twins, Riki and Zola Jesus, Lila Realm will embody the mysterious femme–the sort that wail in the fog, hold your hand in the dark, then burn your house down for warmth.
photo credit to Ariel Kassulke