Bright Boy
Hailing from Boston with a life like a dreamy montage. One moment he’s surrounded by bulky 80s rack stacks in his a/v tech dads mobile production lab, Jazz on the hi-fi. Next, on a commune in the forest, with his psychic Gemini mother and his yin-yang twin brother, sounds of laughter lofting from the lake. I’d say he was born under a RAD sign. For Bright Boy, music was always just a part of life. Memories of dropping rhymes on walks home as a youth, beatboxing and cracking jokes. Picking up sticks and busting a slick break his first time sitting at a kit. His brilliant skills on stage come from his natural good humor and impromptu impersonations of everybody’s favorite cartoons. Which characters? All of them. Theme songs? Yep. To the T with a comedic twist on top.