Potential Threat

(San Francisco)
Genre: Thrash Metal
Potential Threat SF’s hard working, no-holds-barred attitude carries over to their intense live shows. Every ounce of grit and determination goes into their sets, framed by a simple mentality: that it is just as easy for a band to get the audience involved, engaged, and excited at a show, as it is to get pissed off and push an audience away. A band working as a unit on stage that’s enjoying themselves and can show it regardless of how long they’ve been playing or how many people are in the attendance will always be able to bring a crushing live performance–and that’s exactly what P.T.S.F delivers.
San Francisco Bay Area thrash bands have long been known for their in-your-face approach to music, and Potential Threat SF is no stranger to that tradition. Originally formed as a five-piece in 1986, P.T.S.F. has shared the stage with many of the world’s top thrash acts such as Testament, Slayer, Cro-Mags, Nuclear Assault, Death Angel, the list goes on…
Last updated on January 16th, 2024 at 03:33 pm