
Cactus Book Club: ‘All in Her Head: The Truth and Lies Early Medicine Taught Us About Women’s Bodies and Why It Matters Today’ by Elizabeth Comen, MD

Wed 04/02/25

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Join us Wednesday, April 2nd for our next Cactus Book Club. This month’s featured organization Milwaukee Community Acupuncture, who will lead the discussion on All in Her Head: The Truth and Lies Early Medicine Taught Us About Women’s Bodies and Why It Matters Today by Elizabeth Comen, MD. “For as long as medicine has been a practice, women’s bodies have been treated like objects to be practiced on: examined and ignored, idealized and sexualized, shamed, subjugated, mutilated, and dismissed. The history of women’s healthcare is a story in which women themselves have too often been voiceless—a narrative instead written from the perspective of men who styled themselves as authorities on the female of the species, yet uninformed by women’s own voices, thoughts, fears, pain and experiences. …This shared memoir of women’s medical history is an essential contribution to a holistic understanding and much-needed reclaiming of women’s history and bodies.

Recommended bookseller: Lion Tooth 

Milwaukee Community Acupuncture is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit acupuncture clinic that provides affordable, quality, and individualized acupuncture treatments to people of all means and backgrounds. They offer our acupuncture treatments in a comfortable, communal setting on a pay what you can sliding scale of $20-50, with an additional $10 consultation fee for the first visit. Additionally, they offer infrared sauna sessions, cupping and gua sha treatments all on a sliding scale as well. Find out more at:

ABOUT US: Cactus Book Club (CBC) meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 5:30-7:30 in the venue room at Cactus Club. Each month a different business, community organization, collective, or mutual aid group chooses the book & recommended bookseller then leads the discussion. We read sociopolitical fiction and non-fiction, with a focus on works by women, LGBTQ+, POC, and/or otherwise under-published groups. You don’t have to finish reading the book to attend. All book club meetings are free. No registration required. 18+. CBC is part of our ongoing Cactus+ programming. Contact: with questions.


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