Live Film Scoring: Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ft. Barry Paul Clark

Fri 10/13/23
All Ages
$5-$15 Sliding Scale

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Live film scoring of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920, dir. Robert Wiene) by Barry Paul Clark and a full ensemble featuring Nicholas Elert, Warren Enstrom, Steve Gallam, Pedro Gutierrez, and Pat Reinholz. Produced, composed and curated by audio visual artist Barry Paul Clark, a winner of Cactus Club Independent Film Festival in 2022.

TWO SHOWTIMES- Early show at 7pm & Late show at 10pm. 10pm show is 18+.  Each show runs approximately 1hr.

7pm Ticket Link:

10pm Ticket Link:


An Early-20th century German Expressionist film. At a carnival in Germany, Francis (Friedrich Feher) and his friend Alan (Rudolf Lettinger) encounter the crazed Dr. Caligari (Werner Krauss). The men see Caligari showing off his somnambulist, Cesare (Conrad Veidt), a hypnotized man who the doctor claims can see into the future. Shockingly, Cesare then predicts Alan’s death, and by morning his chilling prophecy has come true — making Cesare the prime suspect. However, is Cesare guilty, or is the doctor controlling him?